Golden Blue Eye Tang
Golden Blue Eye Tang
The Golden Blue Eye Tang (Ctenochaetus sp.) is a rare and captivating marine fish, distinguished by its golden-yellow body and striking blue eyes.
Quick Stats:
- Care Level: Moderate
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive
- Color Form: Golden-yellow body with vivid blue eyes
- Diet: Herbivore
- Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions:
- Specific Gravity: 1.020–1.025
- Temperature: 72–78°F
- dKH: 8–12
- pH: 8.1–8.4
- Maximum Size: 7 inches
- Family: Acanthuridae
- Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
Overview: The Golden Blue Eye Tang is celebrated for its vibrant golden-yellow coloration and distinctive blue eyes, making it a standout addition to marine aquariums. This species is known for its algae-grazing habits, contributing to the overall health and cleanliness of the tank environment. In the wild, they inhabit coral-rich areas of the Indo-Pacific region, where they play a vital role in controlling algae growth on reefs.
Care Tips:
- Tank Setup: A well-established aquarium of at least 55 gallons is recommended to provide ample swimming space and territories. Incorporate plenty of live rock to support natural grazing behaviors and offer hiding spots.
- Feeding: Primarily herbivorous, the Golden Blue Eye Tang benefits from a diet rich in marine algae and seaweed. Supplement with high-quality herbivore pellets and occasional meaty treats like mysis shrimp to ensure balanced nutrition.
- Compatibility: Generally semi-aggressive, this tang can coexist with a variety of tankmates. However, it may exhibit territorial behavior towards other tangs, especially those of the same genus. In reef settings, it is considered safe, as it does not harm corals or invertebrates.
Fun Fact: The Golden Blue Eye Tang is a rare find in the aquarium trade, making it a prized possession for enthusiasts seeking unique and vibrant species for their marine setups.
By providing appropriate tank conditions and a balanced diet, the Golden Blue Eye Tang can be a vibrant and beneficial addition to your marine aquarium.